Free Acknowledgment of Job Inquiry (Unsolicited)
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This Acknowledgment of Job Inquiry (Unsolicited) is for use by a company when it receives an unsolicited inquiry regarding employment with the company. This acknowledgement is in a simple to use letter format and acknowledges that a resume or application was received but the company has no current job openings. It also sets out that the applicant’s information will be kept on file should a position become available. This Acknowledgment of Job Inquiry (Unsolicited) includes the following: Parties: The names and addresses of both the company and the applicant; Employment Listing: Sets out that the company has no openings at the present time; Review of Qualifications: Sets forth that the applicant’s resume will be kept on file in case a position becomes available. Protect yourself and your rights by using our professionally-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Acknowledgment of Job Inquiry (Unsolicited) State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states