Free Billing Error Complaint Letter
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This Billing Error Complaint Letter is for use by a customer or client who have received an erroneous bill. This letter sets out the name of the company who sent the bill, account number and specific payment information (both erroneous and correct). It also requests that a corrected bill or invoice be sent as soon as possible. A Billing Error Complaint Letter is important in that it serves as a written record of the correspondence between the parties. This Billing Error Complaint Letter contains the following: Parties: Sets out the name of the company and the person who was billed in error; Payment/Billing Information: Sets out the correct amount of the bill, if any payments were made and the date and amount of the erroneous invoice. Protect Yourself and Your Rights by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Billing Error Complaint Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states