Free Complaint about a Home Inspection
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This Complaint About a Home Inspection is from a prospective home buyer to an inspector who performed services prior to the home's purchase. This letter sets out the address of the home, name of the inspector and the date of the home inspection. It also sets out the specific reasons why the inspection is substandard. It is imperative that this letter be clearly set out in writing. A written Complaint About a Home Inspection will prove useful in the event the home is purchased and items which were inspected, such as the home's foundation or roof, have problems. This Complaint About a Home Inspection includes: Inspection Information: Sets out the address of the home, date of inspection and the inspector; Information: Reasons why the home inspection is unsatisfactory. Protect yourself and your company by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Instructions and Checklist Complaint About a Home Inspection State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states