Free Complaint about Bad Advice on Pricing your Property
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This Complaint About Bad Advice on Pricing Your Property expresses your displeasure about advice you were given about pricing property you are selling. This letter sets out the name of the real estate agent, specific advice which was given and reasons why you believe the advice is bad. It also requests that this situation be rectified as soon as possible. A written Complaint About Bad Advice on Pricing Your Property will ensure that your complaint is taken seriously and that the price is revised and the situation is rectified. This Complaint About Bad Advice on Pricing Your Property includes: Agent Information: Name of the agent who gave terrible advice about how to price your property; Resolution: Sets forth that you expect immediate resolution of the matter. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Complaint About Bad Advice on Pricing Your Property State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states