Free Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead (Single Person)
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This Idaho Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead is designed for a single person. A Declaration of Homestead protects a certain amount of equity in your principal residence from being taken by a creditor in order to satisfy a judgment. This Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead is for use when a single individual wants to abandon a previously recorded homestead. In Idaho, a homestead exemption is limited to $100,000 in value and is typically automatic from the time the home is occupied as a principal residence. This Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead effectively abandons an earlier homestead declaration and must be filed with the recorder of the county in which the land is located. This Idaho Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead for a Single Individual contains the following provisions: Parties: Identifies the party to the Abandonment of Homestead Declaration; Property Location: Sets out the address and the legal description of the property being abandoned; Declaration: States that the premises formerly occupied as a residence no longer constitutes the homestead; Date of Abandonment: Sets forth the precise date of abandonment; Signatures and Notary: The declaration must be signed in front of a notary public. Protect your Rights and your Property by using our professionally prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Instructions & Checklist General Information Step-by-Step Instructions Idaho Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead for a Single Person State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of Idaho