Free Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Homestead for Single Person (Idaho)
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This Idaho Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Homestead is designed for a single person. A Declaration of Homestead protects a certain amount of value in your home from being taken in order to satisfy a judgment. This Non-Abandonment Declaration is for use when unimproved or improved land will be occupied as a principal residence in the future. In Idaho, a homestead exemption is limited to $100,000 in value and is typically automatic from the time the home is occupied as a principal residence. An exception is if you are going to be absent for a continuous period of six months but do not intend to abandon the property. In this instance a Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Homestead must be recorded in the office of the recorder where the property is situated. This Idaho Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Homestead for a Single Person contains the following provisions: Parties: Identifies the party to the Non-Abandonment of Homestead Declaration; Property Location: Sets forth the address, the legal description of the property and the intention to occupy the property as a homestead at a future date; Declaration: States the address where the individual will be residing and the reason for absence from the property; Signatures and Notary: The declaration must be signed in front of a notary public. Protect your Rights and your Property by using our professionally prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Instructions & Checklist General Information Step-by-Step Instructions Idaho Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Homestead for a Single Person State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of Idaho