Free Complaint Letter about Product (Final)
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This Complaint Letter about Product informs a company that further action will be taken if resolution to a product complaint is not received. This letter sets out the dates of any previous communications (via phone, letter or email) and that the problem has not been corrected. It also sets out the name of the product, date of purchase and the specific problems the customer has experienced. It is imperative that this complaint letter be clearly set out in writing. A well-written Complaint Letter About Product (Final Notice) will prove helpful if the matter must be placed with an ombudsman or if litigation is filed. This Complaint Letter About Product (Final Notice) contains: Previous Complaints: Gives the dates of previous correspondence or phone calls you have made regarding the problem with the product; Product Information: Identity of the product, date of purchase and the specific problems experienced; Remedies: Any remedies which will be taken if this situation is not remedied in a timely fashion. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Complaint Letter About Product (Final Notice) State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states