Free Investment Letter of Intent
Share Form:
This Letter of Intent (Investment) is between a company and an entity or individual who intends to invest in the company in exchange for the purchase of shares. This letter sets out the specific intentions of investor including investment amount, business to be created and closing date of the transaction. A written Letter of Intent regarding an investment is imperative. This letter serves as formal notice of the intended investment and will be invaluable in the event of disagreements or misunderstandings. This Letter of Intent (Investment) contains the following provisions: Parties: Sets out the name of the investor, the target company and its principal shareholders (also known as "vendors"); Transaction: Investor agrees to acquire all issued securities of the target company; Financing: Sets forth the structure under which the shares will be financed; Conditions: Sets forth the conditions under which the purchaser will purchase the shares; Closing: Sets forth the anticipated closing date of the transactions contemplated by this letter; Signatures: This letter of intent must be signed by the intended investor. Protect your rights and your property by purchasing this attorney-prepared form. This attorney-prepared package includes: General Information Instructions and Checklist Letter of Intent (Investment) State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states