Free Job Search Letter
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This Job Search Letter is from an applicant to a company where the individual is seeking employment. This letter sets out the applicant’s name, their present employment or student status and the applicant’s experience or credentials. It also asks for a specific date and time for a personal meeting between the parties. This Job Search Letter can be tailored to meet your specific needs when applying for positions with various companies. This Job Search Letter contains the following: Parties: The name and address of both the applicant and the prospective employer; Experience and Credentials: Sets out the applicant’s current position and a brief description of his or her experience and credentials which would be an asset to the potential employer; Interview: The applicant requests a specific date and time for a face-to-face interview with the company. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Instructions and Checklist Job Search Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states