Free Customer Misunderstanding Letter
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This Customer Misunderstanding Letter is to a customer who misunderstood the wording of an advertisement or has other concerns about your company's policies. This letter sets out the gist of the customer's concerns and thanks him or her for their feedback. It also sets forth any explanation which should clear up any misunderstanding the customer has or experienced. A well-written Customer Misunderstanding Letter will ensure that the goodwill between you and your valued customers continue. This letter can easily be tailored to fit your needs and can be sent via email or regular mail. This Customer Misunderstanding Letter contains: Parties: Names of the writer and the customer who has concerns; Explanation: Sets out a detailed explanation about the misunderstanding and thanks the customer for their concern and feedback. Protect yourself and your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Customer Misunderstanding Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states