Free Apology to Customer after Cancellation of Order
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This Apology to Customer After Cancellation of Order is to a customer who has cancelled an order due to the behavior of a company representative. This letter acknowledges the complaint and informs the customer that the matter will be investigated. It also informs the valued customer that the situation will be discussed with the appropriate managers and employees. An Apology to Customer after Cancellation of Order letter will ensure that the goodwill between the company and its customer continues in the future. This Apology to Customer After Cancellation of Order letter includes: Parties: Names of the company and the customer who canceled the order; Apology: Sets forth a sincere apology for the customer's difficulty regarding the order; Resolution: Informs the customer that the matter will be investigated and the appropriate action will be taken. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Apology to Customer After Cancellation of Order State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states