Free Apology for not Returning Phone Call
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This Apology for Not Returning Phone Call sends sincere apologies to an individual who has tried to reach you by phone but has been unsuccessful. This letter sets out the date of the call(s) and lets the person know how much you value your relationship. It also specifies the reason why the phone call was not returned. An Apology for Not Returning Phone Call will ensure that your valued relationships do not suffer due to your lack of communication. This letter can be tailored for use by an individual or business and can easily be sent via email. This Apology for Not Returning Phone Call includes: Parties: Names of the writer and the individual who made the initial phone contact; Apology: Gives a sincere apology that a call was not returned and any reasons for the delay in returning the call. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Apology for not Returning Phone Call State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states