Free Recommend Against a Repair
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This Recommend Against Repair is an opinion letter from an outside party regarding the repair or replacement of a broken product. This letter sets forth the item, review of its condition and cost of repair versus cost of replacement. There are many occasions when it is more cost-effective to replace a product rather than repair it. A written Recommend Against Repair letter will clearly and succinctly set forth the necessary information in order for the consumer to make an informed decision. This Recommend Against Repair letter contains the following: Broken Product: Sets out that the writer has been asked to give an opinion regarding a broken product; Condition of the Item/Costs: Sets out the condition of the item, cost to replace it and cost to replace the item with a new product. Protect your rights and property by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Recommend Against Repair State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states