Free Insurance Company Error Letter
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This Insurance Company Error Letter is from an insured individual to an insurance company which has made an error on the insured's insurance policy. This letter sets out the policy number, type of insurance and the information in error. It also clearly sets out the correct information and requests that the error be corrected as soon as possible. It is important that this type of request be clearly set out in writing. A written Insurance Company Error Letter will serve as written notice of correction of an error in the event there are future questions or concerns about the insured's information. This Insurance Company Error Letter contains the following: Parties: Sets out the names of the insurance company and the insured; Error/Correct Information: Sets out the information on the policy which is in error and the correct information which should be updated. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Insurance Company Error Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states