Free Defective Product Replacement Request
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This Defective Product Replacement Request is to a dealer or company from a customer who is returning a product and asking for a replacement product rather than a refund. This letter sets out the specifics regarding the product, date of purchase, copy of invoice and receipt and the reason why the product is being returned. It also sets out if shipping will be paid by the dealer due to the fact that the product is defective. A written Defective Product Replacement Request serves as a record of the request in the event the request is not honored according to the customer's wishes. This Defective Product Request for Repair Under Warranty sets out the following: Parties: The name of the customer and the company or dealer from which the product was purchased; Replacement Information: Requests that the defective product be replaced rather than having a refund issued and who will pay return shipping and handling costs. Protect yourself by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Defective Product Replacement Request State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states