Free Strategic Alliance Offer Follow-up
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This Strategic Alliance Offer Follow-Up letter is for use when one company desires to form an alliance with another in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. This specific letter follows-up on a letter which was previously sent regarding this proposition. It contains the date of the initial letter and requests a formal meeting to discuss the alliance. A written Strategic Alliance Offer Follow-Up Letter will serve as a reminder of the previous alliance offer and can easily be modified to fit your unique situation. This Strategic Alliance Offer Follow-Up letter contains: Original Letter: Sets out the date of the initial letter regarding an alliance and the names of the companies; Meeting: Requests that the companies meet to discuss the possibility of an alliance if questions remain. Protect yourself and your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Strategic Alliance Offer Follow-Up State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states