Free Vehicle Expense Reimbursement Policy Letter
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This Vehicle Expense Reimbursement Policy Letter is from an employer to an employee who has the use of a company vehicle. This letter sets out the criteria for expenses which are reimbursed and those which are excluded. It also encloses a copy of the company's Vehicle Reimbursement Policy. It is important that this policy be clearly set out in writing. A written Vehicle Expense Reimbursement Letter will prove invaluable in the event there are misunderstandings or disagreements regarding reimbursement for vehicle expenses. This Vehicle Expense Reimbursement Policy Letter contains the following: Parties: Sets out the names of the employer and employee who uses a company vehicle; Policy: Sets out the specific criteria for expense reimbursement for a company vehicle and expenses which are not reimbursable; Enclosure: Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the company's Vehicle Reimbursement Policy for future use by the employee. Protect your rights and property by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Vehicle Expense Reimbursement Policy State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states