Free New Customer Follow Up Letter
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This New Customer Follow-Up Letter is sent to a prospective customer after an initial meeting. This letter sets out your thanks for the opportunity to meet with them in order to explain the benefits of your product or service. It spells out reasons why purchasing your product will be beneficial to their business and positive feedback other customers have given. This letter also requests another appointment in order to further discuss the mutual benefits of your relationship. A written New Customer Follow-Up Letter will develop a goodwill relationship with a new customer from the outset. This letter can also be easily tailored to fit your unique situation. This New Customer Follow-Up Letter includes the following: Parties: Sets out the name of the company representative and the potential new customer; Product Information: Sets forth reasons why your company's product would benefit the customer, positive feedback from other customers and also requests a meeting to further discuss the product. Protect yourself and your company by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions New Customer Follow-Up Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states