Free Notice of Assignment of Patent
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When an individual or entity obtains ownership in a patent, they have the sole rights and interests in that patent; however, there are instances when an assignment of the patent may be necessary or warranted. This Notice of Assignment of Patent will act as official notice that a patent has been assigned and will prove invaluable in the event of misunderstandings, disagreements or litigation. This Notice of Assignment of Patent includes the following provisions: Parties: This provision sets forth the identity and names of the parties receiving notice that the patent has been assigned; Patent Owner: This provision sets out the identity of the owner and the registration number of the patent; Assignment: This provision sets out the identity of the party to whom the patent is assigned. Protect your Rights and your Intellectual Property by using our professionally prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Information Instructions and Checklist Notice of Assignment of Patent State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states