Free Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors
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This Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors is from an individual to inform his or her creditors that a bankruptcy has been filed. This letter sets out the date on which the bankruptcy was filed and if creditors will be paid or discharged through the bankruptcy. A written Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors will foster future goodwill in the event the creditor seeks to reopen an account with the creditor. This Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors contains the following: Parties: Name of the individual who has filed bankruptcy and the creditor; Filing Information: Creditor's account number, date the bankruptcy was filed and how creditor's account will be handled. Protect yourself by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states