Free Poor Workmanship Complaint Letter
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This Poor Workmanship Complaint Letter is from a consumer who ordered an item which is poorly made. This complaint letter sets out that the specific item is not the quality expected by the customer. It also requests that the order be refilled or if a credit should be issued to the customer. A Poor Workmanship Complaint letter serves as written notification of dissatisfaction. This letter will be beneficial in the event there are disagreements or misunderstandings regarding credit for the item or if another should be sent to the customer with all shipping costs to be borne by the company. This Poor Workmanship Complaint contains the following: Product Information: Work order or invoice number for the product which was shoddily made; Return/Refund Information: Sets forth if the customer is returning the item and requesting a replacement item with all shipping costs to be paid by the company, or if a credit should be issued to the customer. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Poor Workmanship Complaint State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states