Free Poor Performance Complaint Letter
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This Poor Performance Complaint Letter is from an employer or manager to an employee who has performed poorly on a specific project. This letter sets out a brief description of the project and the fact there were serious deficiencies in the employee’s work. It also informs the employee that the quality of their work must be improved as the company and its customers expect a quality product. This letter can easily be tailored to meet your individual situation. A written Poor Performance Complaint Letter will serve as a record of the employee’s poor performance and can be made a part of their personnel file. This Poor Performance Complaint Letter contains the following: Parties: The name and address of the employer and employee; Performance Review: Sets out a brief description of the project, the deficiencies in the employee’s performance on the project and that employee’s work standards must be improved. Protect yourself and your company by using our up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Instructions and Checklist Poor Performance Complaint Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states