Free Proposal Approval Letter
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This Proposal Approval Letter is sent to an individual or company and gives approval for a proposal they have submitted. This letter can be used in a variety of business or personal situations such as approving a proposal for freelance work or proposal for landscaping or interior decoration of your home. This letter sets out a brief description of the proposal and sender’s approval of proposal. It is important that this arrangement be set out in writing rather than by oral communication. A written Proposal Approval Letter is beneficial to both parties. This Proposal Approval Letter includes the following: Proposer’s Information: The name and address of the individual who set forth the proposal; Proposal: Sets out a brief description of the proposal and sender’s review and approval of the proposal. Protect your rights and yourself by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: Proposal Approval Letter State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states