Free Proposal for Services (Office Cleaning)
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This Office Cleaning Services Bid Proposal is used when submitting a bid to a company in order to clean an office or a suite of offices. This proposal sets out the office size, detailed description of the cleaning services to be provided and how payment should be made. It also sets out who will supply the cleaning materials and the dates of the cleaning services. It is essential that a bid proposal be clearly set out in writing. A written Office Cleaning Services Bid Proposal will clearly set out your bid for office cleaning services and will serve as a record of your proposal. This Office Cleaning Services Bid Proposal contains the following: Company/Client Information: Sets out the name of the company proposing the services and all relevant contact information and the name and contact information for the prospective customer or client; Office Size: Sets forth the size of the office(s) for which the proposal is given; Services: Detailed list of cleaning services, short description and when payment is expected (daily, weekly or monthly); Terms and Conditions: Sets out a list of terms and conditions such as who will supply the cleaning supplies, dates of services and the agreement can be terminated if either side is not satisfied with the cleaning services; Acceptance of Proposal: Spells out that the cleaning proposal is accepted; Signatures: The customer or client who accepted the proposal must sign and date the bid proposal. Protect yourself and your rights by purchasing this attorney-prepared form. This attorney-prepared package includes: General Information Instructions and Checklist Office Cleaning Services Bid Proposal State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states