Free Real Estate Salesman Agreement (Independent Contractor)
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This Real Estate Salesman Agreement (Independent Contractor) is between a real estate agent/broker or company and a real estate salesman who agrees to act as a referral agent. This agreement sets out the effective date of the agreement, obligations of both the salesman and the broker and reasons why the agreement can be terminated. It also specifically sets out that real estate salesman is considered an independent contractor. It is important that this business arrangement be clearly memorialized in writing. A written Real Estate Salesman Agreement (Independent Contractor) will prove invaluable in the event of disagreements, miscommunication of litigation between the parties. This Real Estate Salesman Agreement (Independent Contractor) contains the following provisions: Parties: Sets out the names of the real estate company/broker and the real estate salesman who is considered an independent contractor; Recitals: Sets forth the state in which the individuals are licensed and that real estate broker desires to hire the salesman on an independent contractor basis; Effective Date: Specific date on which the agreement becomes effective; Salesman's Rights and Obligations: Details the obligations of the salesman including his/her agreement to abide by the rules governing broker's business; Broker's Obligations: Sets out the commission structure between the parties and that all commissions are negotiable; Termination: Broker may terminate the agreement if salesman breaches any of its terms; Signatures: Broker and independent contractor/real estate salesman must sign and date this agreement in the presence of witnesses. Protect your rights and your property by purchasing this attorney-prepared form. This attorney-prepared package includes: General Information Instructions and Checklist Real Estate Salesman Agreement (Independent Contractor) State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states