Free Request Referral Letter from a Landlord
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This Request Referral Letter from Landlord is from a tenant to a former landlord requesting a letter of referral in order for the tenant to secure desirable rental property. The tone of the letter is friendly in nature and reminds the landlord that the tenant seeking the referral always paid rent on time. Many people now prefer to rent rather than buy a home or apartment. This Request Referral Letter from Landlord will ensure a new landlord that your references are impeccable and that you would make a suitable tenant. This Request Referral Letter from Landlord spells out the following: Parties: The name of the former tenant seeking the referral and his or her previous landlord; Referral Information: Sets out the specific information which should be included in the referral letter and asks that the letter be sent to the former tenant. Protect yourself by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Request Referral Letter from Landlord State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states