Free Shareholders Resolution (Authorizing Joint Venture)
Share Form:
Shareholder resolutions are official acts taken by a company or corporation’s shareholders. A shareholders resolution is generally voted on at a meeting but in certain circumstances may be passed through the use of a written consent. This form contains a shareholders resolution to authorize the execution of a joint venture agreement with another corporation. Among others, this Shareholders Resolution Authorizing Joint Venture contains the following provisions: Meeting of the Shareholders: This provision sets out the date and time of the shareholders meeting and proxy requirements; Resolution Information: This paragraph contains the specific resolution to be discussed and voted on by the shareholders; Resolution: This paragraph sets out the specific wording of the resolution that was voted on and passed by the shareholders. Protect your Rights and Interests by using our professionally prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet includes: General Information Instructions and Checklist Shareholders Resolution Authorizing Joint Venture State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states