Free Transfer or Promotion Confirmation
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This Transfer or Promotion Confirmation Letter will confirm that an employee has been promoted and transferred to another location. This letter spells out the details of the promotion and transfer including the new position and the city where the employee is being transferred to. It also sets out the effective date of both. A written Transfer or Promotion Confirmation letter lets your employee know they are valued by the company and will serve as confirmation of the effective date of the promotion and transfer. This Transfer or Promotion Confirmation Letter sets forth the following: Parties: The name of the company and the employee who received the promotion and transfer; Detailed Information: Effective date of the promotion and specifics regarding the exact location where the employee is being transferred. Protect yourself by using our attorney-prepared up-to-date forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Transfer or Promotion Confirmation State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states