S-Corp Information – Kansas

By | February 13, 2008

Address of state corporation department:
Kansas Secretary of State
Business Services
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor
120 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka KS 66612-1594
Telephone: 785-296-4564
State web address: http://www.kansas.gov/index.php
State law reference: Kansas Statutes Annotated, Chapter 17, Articles 60 through 75.
Title of filing: Articles of Incorporation.
Filing Fees: $90 paper filing; $84 online filing
Other fees: None.
Name reservation: Reservable for 120 days for $35 fee. (Section 17-7402).
Name requirements: Association, Church, College, Company, Corporation, Club, Foundation, Fund, Incorporated,
Institute, Society, Union, University, Syndicate, or Limited, or abbreviations “Co.,” “Corp.,” “Inc.,” or “Ltd.”
(Section 17-6002).
Incorporator requirements: One or more persons, partnerships, associations, or corporations (may be nonresidents).
(Section 17-6001).
Corporate purpose requirements: General “all purpose” clause (see instructions). (Section 17-6002(3)).
Director requirements: One or more (may be nonresidents). (Section 17-6301).
Paid-in capital requirements: None.
Annual report requirement: Yes, to Secretary of State. (Section 17-7503). $55 filing fee.
Publication requirements: None.
Other provisions: Names and addresses of initial directors must be given in Articles of Incorporation, if the powers
of the incorporator or incorporators are to terminate upon the filing of the articles of incorporation. (Section