S-Corp Information – North Carolina

By | February 13, 2008

Address of state corporation department:
Secretary of State
Corporations Division
PO Box 29622
Raleigh NC 27626-0622

Telephone: 919-807-2225
State web address: www.ncga.state.nc.us/
State law reference: General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 55.
Title of filing: Articles of Incorporation.
Filing Fees: $125.
Other fees: None.
Name reservation: Reservable for 120 days for $30 fee. (Section 55D-23).
Name requirements: Corporation, Incorporated, Company, Limited, or abbreviation. (Section 55D-20).
Incorporator requirements: One or more persons or entities. (Section 55-2-01, 55-1-40).
Corporate purpose requirements: General “all purpose” clause (see instructions). (Section 55-3-01).
Director requirements: One or more (may be nonresidents). (Sections 55-8-02, 55-8-03). But the Articles of
Incorporation or a shareholders’ agreement may designate an individual or group to exercise the authority of the
board of directors. (Sections 55-8-01, 55-7-31(b)).
Paid-in capital requirements: None.
Annual report requirement: Yes, to Secretary of State. (Section 55-16-22). $20 filing fee.
Publication requirements: None.
Other provisions: The Articles of Incorporation must include the name of the county in which the initial registered
office is located (in addition to its street address), and the street address and county of the corporation’s principal
office, if any. (Section 55-2-02). The Articles must indicate whether the authorized shares are all of one class or
are to be divided into classes or series, and if the latter, the shares’ preferences, limitations, and relative rights.
(Section 55-6-01). The Articles may specify a future date upon which they will become effective.