What is a Quitclaim Deed?

A Quitclaim Deed is used to tranfer an interest in real estate. It does not include any promise or guarantee by the person who is making it (called “Grantor”) regarding the quality or nature of that interest, or even if any interest exists at all. In effect a quitclain deed makes no warranties or guarantees as may be made… Read More »

What is a Standstill Agreement?

A Standstill Agreement is an agreement between two business entities that are contemplating entering into a transaction together and desiring to prevent one another from negotiating a similar transaction with a third party during the period of negotiations.  For example, in negotiations for a merger or acquisition, the target and the purchaser may enter into an agreement where they each agree… Read More »

What is a Joint Venture Agreement?

A Joint Venture Agreement allows two or more entities to combine to do business without the formality and commitment involved in forming a partnership or other similar entity. The parties agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. The venture can be for one specific project, or… Read More »

What is a Debt Guarantee?

A Debt Guarantee provides for a guarantor for the repayment of a debt. This guarantor basically acts as a co-signer for the borrower’s obligations to a specific lender. The guarantor will agree that if any of the borrower’s payments are late or not paid, they will make the payments. The guarantor may also agree that the guarantee may be enforced without having to first… Read More »

What is a Novation Agreement?

A Novation Agreement is an agreement between a new debtor corporation, an older debtor corporation and a creditor whereby the new debtor agrees to pay the debts that the old debtor owes to the creditor. In return, the creditor releases the old debtor from any further obligations to it. Sometimes a parent corporation will enter into a novation agreement when… Read More »

What is a Name Affidavit?

A Name Affidavit is a form that allows aperson to give a declaration that they are the same person as another name. This might be necessary in the event the person may have been know by or used different names in the past. Sometimes they are given under oath while other times they are given before a notary public.… Read More »

What is a General Affidavit?

General Affidavit forms are sometimes known as Declarations under Oath. They are used to make certain statements in written form under oath. Some are in the form of a “General Affidavit under Oath” while others are “General Affidavit before Notary”. You can find various examples of General Affidavit forms here.

What is a Contract for Deed?

There are many names for Contract for Deed. It is sometimes known as a Land Contract, an Agreement for Deed, a Contract Sale or Real Estate Installment Agreement. This type of Agreement is useful in situations where the Buyer can’t easily obtain financing from other sources or other financing may not be even available to Buyer. It allows the… Read More »