Partnership Information – New Jersey

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: New Jersey Statutes, Sections 42:1A-1+. (Please see Revised Uniform Partnership Act). Statement of Partnership Authority Registration: Filing is optional, but mandatory if partnership intends to hold real estate in its name. Initial registration is with the Secretary of State. A certified copy must also be filed with the clerk… Read More »

Partnership Information – New Hampshire

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Sections 304A-1+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). State law reference for name registration: New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Sections 349:1+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Sections 349:1, 349:5). Business Name Registration fee:… Read More »

Partnership Information – Nevada

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Nevada Revised Statutes, Sections 87.010+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). Partnership Authority registration fee: $50.00 State law reference for name registration: Nevada Revised Statutes, Sections 600.310+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. Nevada does not have a fictitious name statute, but has a trade name statute. A… Read More »

Partnership Information – Nebraska

State website: home State law reference for partnership regulation: Revised Statutes of Nebraska, Sections 67-401+. (Please see Revised Uniform Partnership Act). Statement of Partnership Authority Registration: Filing is optional, but mandatory if partnership intends to hold real estate in its name. Initial registration is with the Secretary of State. A certified copy must also be filed with… Read More »

Partnership Information – Montana

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Montana Code Annotated, Sections 35-10-101+. (Please see Revised Uniform Partnership Act). Statement of Partnership Authority Registration: Filing is optional, but mandatory if partnership intends to hold real estate in its name. Initial registration is with the Secretary of State. A certified copy must also be filed with the clerk… Read More »

Partnership Information – Missouri

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Missouri Statutes, Sections 358-010+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). State law reference for name registration: Missouri Statutes, Sections 417.200+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Section 417.200). Business Name Registration fee: $7.00 Term of registration: None stated in… Read More »

Partnership Information – Mississippi

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Mississippi Code Annotated, Sections 79-12-1+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). Partnership Authority registration fee: $25.00 State law reference for name registration: Mississippi Code Annotated, Sections 75-25-3+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. Mississippi does not have a fictitious name statute, but the name of a business is… Read More »

Partnership Information – Minnesota

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 323A.01+. (Please see Revised Uniform Partnership Act). Statement of Partnership Authority Registration: Filing is optional, but mandatory if partnership intends to hold real estate in its name. Initial registration is with the Secretary of State. A certified copy must also be filed with the clerk… Read More »

Partnership Information – Michigan

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, Sections 449.1+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). State law reference for name registration: Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, Sections 445.1+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the office of the Clerk in the county or counties where the business… Read More »

Partnership Information – Massachusetts

State website: State law reference for partnership regulation: Annotated Laws of Massachusetts, Section 108A: 1+. (Please see Uniform Partnership Act). State law reference for name registration: Annotated Laws of Massachusetts, Sections 110:5+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the office of the Clerk in every city where the business has… Read More »