What is a Garage Lease

In certain areas, parking can be extremely difficult, resulting in a daily or nightly search for a legal parking space. One way to avoid this, is to lease a garage or parking space. The Garage Lease is a legal agreement between two parties, one being the landlord or owner of the garage and the tenant or person who… Read More »

What is a Joint Venture Agreement?

A joint venture agreement is used when forming an entity between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. These parties both or all agree to create a new entity by contributing equity for the eventual purpose of sharing in the revenues, expenses, and control of the entity. The venture can be for one specific project only,… Read More »

What is a Promissory Note – Secured (Term)?

A promissory note, also referred to as a note payable in accounting, is a contract detailing the terms of a promise by one party to repay a sum of money to the other. The obligation may stem from the repayment of a loan or from another form of debt. In the sale of a business, for example, the… Read More »

What is an Employment Agreement – Key Employee & Executive?

Certain employees are so integral to a company’s ongoing success that they warrant a special type of employment agreement that offers added protections and benefits, while also protecting the company in the event the employee decides to resign or is incapacitated and unable to fulfill his duties. These “key employee” employment agreements generally include such additional provisions from… Read More »

What is an Employee Handbook?

No matter what type of business you are in or how many or few employees you have, an employee handbook is an absolute necessity. This book could keep you out of court. Here are a few of the things your employee handbook will do for you:  Prevent problems and misunderstandings with employees Save you time answering common questions… Read More »

What is a Publicity Performance & Depiction Contract?

These agreements basically constitute a release that allows a producer to include an interview of a subject or to feature certain pieces of art or grants to a producer the rights to someone’s life story to be used in a motion picture or television documentary. This is a complex area and these forms should be considered a starting… Read More »

What is a Parental Permission and Medical Consent Form?

  Consent to treatment means a person must give permission before they receive any type of medical treatment, test or examination. This must be done on the basis of an explanation by a clinician. Consent from a patient is needed regardless of the procedure, whether it’s a physical examination, organ donation or something else. The principle of consent… Read More »

What are Management & Manufacturing Agreements?

A management agreement/contract is a legally binding agreement between a Manager and the owner of a business in which the manager agrees to provide management services to the business owner. Generally discussed in this agreement are some of the following: Management Services – Business Expenditures – Management Fee – Risk of Loss or Damage.

What is a Return of Security Deposit Letter?

It should be noted that many states have enacted laws regarding the return of security deposit to rental tenants. In many cases, there are deadlines after the expiration of the tenant’s lease by which the security deposit must be returned or the landlord may face fines or penalties.  This form is designed to help landlords draft a letter… Read More »

What is a Service Agreement (Consultant)?

A Consulting Services Agreement for a one-time project or for on-going services is an agreement between a contractor/consultant and a client. This agreement will be helpful for the relationship because it provides the terms and conditions of the arrangement and clarifies important issues such as: Is the agreement for a fixed term or ongoing? How much will the contractor be… Read More »