What are Beneficiary and Executor Forms?

Before you can make out your will, the beneficiary questionnaire will help you determine to whom you wish to leave your assets and what specific assets you wish to leave to each.  The executor form will help make the probate process less complicated. This will provide information, tools and guidelines regarding the appointment and duties that need to… Read More »

What are Real Estate Disclosure Forms?

Most states require the seller of a property to provide information to the buyer about the condition of the property being sold. This doesn’t mean that the seller has to disclose everything about the home, just the facts that are known to him or her.Typically, this information will include some of the following: Does the seller have the… Read More »

What is a Notice of Breach of Contract?

This notice is used to inform a party or parties to a contract of the violation of a term of the contract or of a failure to perform a required duty under the contract. A description of the alleged violation of the contract should be included and a time period given in which the party is instructed to… Read More »

What is a Standard Sale of Goods Contract?

This is a contract for the sale and purchase of material goods. The seller agrees and promises to sell his goods, whatever they may be, for a specified price. The buyer, in return, agrees and promises, to purchase the goods for this specified price. Further, the agreement will generally  also include provisions regarding delivery, time of purchase, down… Read More »

What is a General Contractor Agreement?

This agreement is for the usage of a general contractor when he engages to perform and/or oversee work on an individual’s home. It is important that the terms of that work are spelled out clearly in the agreement between the parties. This allows the parties to manage their expectations, and ensure that each understands exactly what is expected… Read More »

What is a Will Amendment, Codicil, or Revocation?

This is the act of recalling, annulling, reversing or canceling a will or grant. It makes void a deed previously existing.  It’s important to understand the laws and rules governing amendments and revocations. Failure to follow these rules and attempting to change your Will by such methods as crossing out a name or penciling in an addition could… Read More »

What is a Security Deposit Demand Letter?

Chances are that, when you rented your residence, you were asked for and provided a security deposit which was to be held in escrow throughout your tenancy. This is money used to secure the performance of a lease. If you, the tenant, have fulfilled all of your obligations under the lease, have paid your rent in full and… Read More »

What is a Contractor Subcontractor Agreement

 This agreement is intended for usage by an independent contractor to hire a subcontractor to perform certain work on a job that the contractor has agreed to perform. It outlines what of specific work is to be performed by the subcontractor within a set time period for a particular payment. It is also a method for authorizing extra… Read More »