Sole Proprietorship Information – North Carolina

State website: State law reference for name registration: General Statutes of North Carolina, Sections 66-68+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the office of the Register of Deeds in the county or counties where the person intends to conduct business. (Section 66-68). Registration fee: not available Term of registration: None… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – New York

State website: State law reference for name registration: New York General Business Law, Article 9B, Sections 130+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Clerk of the county or counties where the business is or the applicant intends to conduct business. (Section 130). Registration fee: $25.00 Term of registration: None… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – New Mexico

State website: State law reference for name registration: New Mexico Statutes Annotated, Sections 57-3B-1+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. New Mexico’s statute is for trade names which are names used to identify a person’s business. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Section 57-3B-5). Registration fee: $25.00 Term of registration: Ten years.… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – New Jersey

State website: State law reference for name registration: New Jersey Statutes, Sections 56: 1-2+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Clerk of the county or counties where the business is or the person intends to conduct business. In addition, the applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Section… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – New Hampshire

State website: State law reference for name registration: New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Sections 349:1+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Sections 349:1, 349:5). Registration fee: $50.00 Term of registration: Five years. (Section 349:6). Name requirements: The name cannot be deceptively similar to any instrumentality of… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – Nevada

State website: State law reference for name registration: Nevada Revised Statutes, Sections 600.310+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. Nevada does not have a fictitious name statute, but has a trade name statute. A trade name is essentially a business name other than the owner(s)’s name. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State.… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – Nebraska

State website: State law reference for name registration: Revised Statutes of Nebraska, Sections 87-209+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. Nebraska does not have a fictitious name statute, but has a trade name statute. A trade name is essentially a business name other than the owner(s)’s name. The applicant must register with the Secretary of… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – Montana

State website: State law reference for name registration: Montana Code Annotated, Sections 30-13-201+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Section 30-13-203). Registration fee: $20.00 Term of registration: Five years. (Section 30-13-206). Name requirements: None stated in statute. Registration application requirements: The form must contain the name… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – Missouri

State website: State law reference for name registration: Missouri Statutes, Sections 417.200+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is mandatory. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Section 417.200). Registration fee: $7.00 Term of registration: None stated in statute. Name requirements: None stated in statute. Registration application requirements: The applicant must file a statement within… Read More »

Sole Proprietorship Information – Mississippi

State website: State law reference for name registration: Mississippi Code Annotated, Sections 75-25-3+. Registration of business name requirements: Registration is optional. Mississippi does not have a fictitious name statute, but the name of a business is registerable as a service mark or trademark. The applicant must register with the Secretary of State. (Sections 75-25- 3, 75-25-5). Registration… Read More »