Limited Liability Companies – Maine

By | February 7, 2008

Address of state office for filing:
Maine Secretary of State
Bureau of Corporations
Corporate Examining Section
101 State House Station
Augusta ME 04333-1010
Telephone: 207-624-7740
State web address:
State law reference: Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 31, Chapter 13.
Title of filing: Articles of Organization.
Filing Fee: $175
Name requirements: The official name must contain the words “Limited Liability Company” Or the abbreviations “LLC” or “L.L.C.” If the company provides professional services, the name must state “Professional Association,” “Chartered,” or the abbreviation “P.A.” The name must not be obscene, promote abusive or unlawful activity, falsely suggest an association with a public institution, or violate any other law of the state. (Section 603-A). A company name may be reserved for a fee of $20. (Section 604-A).
Organizer requirements: A limited liability company may be organized by one person. The organizer need not be a natural person, nor a member. (Section 621, 602).
Articles of Organization requirements: Articles of Organization must contain the following: (1) name of company, (2) registered agent name and office address, (3) whether company will be managed by managers or members, (4) if managed by managers, the minimum and maximum numbers of managers permitted, (5) if managed by managers and if managers have been selected, the names and addresses of the managers, and (6) any additional matters. (Section 622(1)).
Annual report requirement: Yes, to Secretary of State. (Section 757). Filing fee of $85. (Section 751).
Publication requirement: No.
Effective date of limited liability company organization: On the date of official approval of Articles of Organization, the company becomes a legal entity and the members are shielded from personal liability. (Section 622(2)).
Membership requirements: Minimum number required is one. The member may be a natural person or a business entity. (Section 621, 602).
Other: If the company is to provide professional services, the Articles of Organization must state the type of services to be provided. Also, unless the registered agent signs the Articles, the corporation must deliver to the Secretary of State the registered agent’s written consent to the appointment along with the Articles, on the state form titled Acceptance of Appointment as Registered Agent.