Sole Proprietorship Information – Nebraska

By | February 20, 2008

State website:
State law reference for name registration:
Revised Statutes of Nebraska,
Sections 87-209+.
Registration of business name requirements:
Registration is optional. Nebraska
does not have a fictitious name
statute, but has a trade name statute.
A trade name is essentially a business
name other than the owner(s)’s name.
The applicant must register with the
Secretary of State. (Section 87-219).
Registration fee: $100.00
Term of registration: Ten years. (Section
Name requirements: The statute is
exhaustive, stating that the trade name
cannot be immoral, deceptive, or
scandalous. Please refer directly to the
statute. (Section 87-209).
Registration application requirements:
The registrant must provide the name
of the business owner(s), the street address
of the business owner(s), the trade
name, the general nature of the business,
the length of time the business
has been operating, and the notarized
signature of the owner(s). (Section 87-
Publication requirements: None
Office for registration:
Secretary of State
P O Box 94608
Lincoln, NE 68509