Attorney Legal Forms
Various forms, templates and samples for use by lawyers, paralegals and other legal professionals to assist them in their day-to-day practice.
Attorney forms are the backbone of the paperwork required in the day-to-day business of an attorney or law firm. This umbrella includes a variety of forms, typically related to litigation issues and procedural writing that help verify that the events and agreements these forms describe have truly taken place.
While typically attorneys prepare a lot of paperwork within the scope of a court proceedings, attorney forms can also refer to the written forms and contracts that make up the attorney’s day-to-day life running a practice. An attorney frequently has to turn to many of these forms in representing their clients. The following forms don’t necessarily have to do with any court proceedings or legal claims, but rather with legal practice management:
While typically attorneys prepare a lot of paperwork within the scope of a court proceedings, attorney forms can also refer to the written forms and contracts that make up the attorney’s day-to-day life running a practice. An attorney frequently has to turn to many of these forms in representing their clients. The following forms don’t necessarily have to do with any court proceedings or legal claims, but rather with legal practice management:
- Claim forms: Used by attorneys to file a claim on behalf of a client, such as in the case of a car accident.
- Deposition forms: Help an attorney facilitate and complete the deposition process.
- Settlement agreements: Helpful when settling a claim, legal proceeding or dispute.
- Correspondence: Letters to clients, opposing attorneys or other parties.

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