Consumer Letters Legal Forms
Letters used by consumers for different situations including announcements, inquiry and thank you letters and requests for charitable donations.
Consumer Letters for use in a variety of situations. These attorney-prepared letters include announcements, inquiry and thank you letters and requests for charitable donations. All forms can easily be tailored to fit your unique needs. Take advantage of an attorney's expertise for a fraction of the cost when you purchase these forms.

- Most Popular
Cancellation Letters
Sample letters used to cancel various transactions including real estate listings, appointments, subscriptions, credit accounts, orders, rentals and more.
Complaint Letters
Various complaint letters which include complaints about poor service, credit card charges, unacceptable rooms or a defective product.
Financial Letters
Letters to help you deal with various financial situations when addressing billing errors, payments, collections, credit and related financial matters.
Request and Inquiry Letters
Letters used to make various requests and inquiries such as a request to replace a defective product or inquire about office space.
- Free forms
- Award Nomination Endorsement Letter This Award Nomination Endorsement Letter is for use when nominating or endorsing an individual for an award. This letter can easily be tailored for either business or...
- Contribution Enclosure Letter This Contribution Enclosure Letter is used when mailing a donation to a charity or worthy cause. This letter will serve as a record of your donation and prove useful...
- Missed Appointment Apology Letter This Missed Appointment Apology Letter sets out a sincere apology if you miss a scheduled appointment. This letter can be tailored to fit your unique situation.
- Letter to Cancel Real Estate Listing This Letter to Cancel Real Estate Listing will effectively cancel your property's listing with a real estate broker. This letter can easily be tailored to meet your...
- Cancellation of Service Request Letter This Cancellation of Service Request Letter will effectively cancel a service, such as newspaper or bottled water delivery. This letter can easily be customized to...
- Rental Contract Cancellation Letter This Rental Contract Cancellation Letter is from a customer who desires to return a rental item. This letter contains the specifics of the rental and can be tailored...
- More about Cancellation Letters
- Bad Service Complaint and Product Return Letter This Bad Service Complaint letter voices your complaint about unacceptable service received from a representative. This letter can easily be modified to meet your...
- Better Business Bureau Letter This Better Business Bureau Letter is designed to assist a customer in drafting a letter to the BBB regarding the business practices of a company. This letter sets...
- Complaint Letter About Medical Staff This Complaint Letter About Medical Staff effectively informs a medical facility about unacceptable treatment which was received during an office or hospital visit....
- Complaint Letter about Damage to Luggage This Complaint Letter about Damage to Luggage will effectively complain to an airline about damaged luggage and items which were lost due to the damage. This letter...
- Complaint Letter about a Warranty Dispute Complaint Letter About a Warranty Dispute will effectively dispute a company's claim that repairs are not covered under a warranty. This letter sets out details...
- Complaint about Reaching Customer Service This Complaint About Reaching Customer Service Agent will effectively voice your displeasure about a company's service. This letter can easily be adapted to fit your...
- Complaint about a Real Estate Agent This Complaint About a Real Estate Agent effectively sets out your unhappiness with the real estate agent who is selling your home. This letter can easily be modified...
- Complaint to a Builder about Problems with a Brand New House Complaint to a Builder About Problems with a New House will effectively notify a builder about problems experienced after moving into a new home. This letter sets out...
- Hotel Service Complaint Letter This Hotel Service Complaint Letter will notify a hotel about a stay that was unpleasant and unacceptable. This letter can be tailored to fit your unique situation.
- Vehicle Repair Complaint Letter Vehicle Repair Complaint Letter for use by a vehicle owner when repairs made to a vehicle are unacceptable. This letter can easily be tailored to fit your unique...
- More about Complaint Letters
- Authorization to Perform Work Letter This Authorization to Perform Work Letter will give an individual, such as a contractor, the authorization to hire others to perform work on a specific property. It...
- Bill Dispute Letter This Bill Dispute Letter is for use by a customer when disputing the balance on a bill. This letter sets out the amount of the bill, the amount the customer feels is...
- Hardship Letter to Stop Foreclosure This Hardship Letter To Stop Foreclosure details the reasons why your home payments have fallen behind and requests that your lender extend a loan modification. This...
- Payment Plan Proposal Letter This Payment Plan Proposal Letter will assist an individual in setting up a payment plan with a creditor. This letter sets out the reasons why the debt cannot be paid...
- Personal Loan Repayment Request This Personal Loan Repayment Request is to an individual to whom you have personally loaned money and who has not made any payments. This form can be easily...
- More about Financial Letters
- Itemized Charges Request Letter This Itemized Charges Request Letter effectively requests that a statement for a job or project be set out in an itemized format. This letter can easily be tailored...
- Probate Status Request This Probate Status Request effectively asks for the status of a probate matter. This letter sets out the name of the deceased and the date of the last update. It...
- More about Request and Inquiry Letters
- Check Error Complaint Letter This Check Error Complaint Letter is used by a company or individual who has received a check in an incorrect amount. This letter sets out the correct amount of the...
- Complaint Letter About Daycare Facility This Complaint Letter About Daycare Facility will effectively lodge a complaint against a daycare facility. It is imperative that this type of complaint be in writing...
- Complaint Letter about False or Misleading Advertising Complaint Letter About False or Misleading Advertising will effectively voice your concerns about ads which you find misleading. This letter can easily be adapted to...
- Complaint Letter about Product (Final) Complaint Letter About a Product (Final Notice) informs a company that further action will be taken if resolution to a problem about a product is not immediately...
- Complaint Letter about an Unpleasant Room This Complaint Letter About an Unpleasant Room will effectively voice your displeasure about a room you occupied during a vacation or business trip. This letter can...
- Complaint about Bad Advice on Pricing your Property This Complaint About Bad Advice on Pricing Your Property expresses your displeasure about advice you were given. This letter can easily be tailored to fit your...
- Complaint about Erroneous Credit Card Charges This Complaint About Erroneous Credit Card Charges sets forth your displeasure that a previously disputed charge still appears on your credit card statement. This...
- Complaint about Flight Crew This Complaint About Flight Crew will effectively lodge your complaint about a member of a flight crew. This letter sets out specific examples about the individual's...
- Complaint about Property Taxes This Complaint About Property Taxes letter will effectively lodge a complaint and protest about your property taxes. This letter sets out the relevant property...
- Complaint about a Car Salesman This Complaint About a Car Salesman will express your unhappiness about your treatment by a salesman when your visited the dealer showroom. This letter can easily be...
- Complaint about a Home Inspection This Complaint About a Home Inspection sets out a prospective buyer's displeasure with a home inspection. This letter can be tailored to fit your unique situation and...
- Complaint for Cut Off from Online Service This Complaint for Cut-Off from Online Service gives notice to your Internet provider that your online service has been interrupted or cut-off numerous times. This...
- Complaint for Overcharge at Hotel Stay Complaint for Overcharge at Hotel Stay letter which effectively states your displeasure about being overcharged for a hotel stay. This letter sets out the specifics...
- Complaint to Tour Company This form is designed to assist you in drafting a letter to a Tour Company expressing your dissatisfaction and requesting a partial refund.
- Damaged Goods Complaint Letter This Damaged Goods Complaint Letter is for use by a consumer who has received damaged goods. It sets out the specific goods which are damaged and requests that refund...
- Delayed Order Complaint Letter This Delayed Order Complaint Letter effectively sets out a consumer's displeasure regarding a delayed order. This letter sets out the specifics regarding the order...
- Incorrect Shipment Complaint Letter This Incorrect Shipment Complaint Letter is for use by a customer to inform a company that a shipment was damaged, incomplete or incorrect. This letter can easily be...
- Lemon Law Letters These Lemon Law Letters will effectively notify a dealership that a vehicle purchased from them is defective (aka a "lemon"). It is imperative that a Lemon Law Letter...
- Letter of Complaint to a Principal About a Teacher’s Inadequate Instruction A written Letter of Complaint to a Principal About Teacher's Inadequate Instruction will ensure that your concerns are taken seriously by a school principal. This...
- Lost Luggage Complaint Letter This Lost Luggage Complaint Letter will ensure that your request for compensation for lost luggage is taken seriously. This letter sets forth the details about your...
- Mail Fraud Complaint Letter This Mail Fraud Complaint Letter is for use by a consumer who feels they may be a possible victim of mail fraud. This letter can be easily tailored to fit your unique...
- Overbooked Flight Complaint Letter This Overbooked Flight Complaint Letter is for use when complaining to an airline about an overbooked flight. It contains all relevant information about the flight...
- Poor Workmanship Complaint Letter This Poor Workmanship Complaint is to a company who has shipped an item which was poorly made. This letter can easily be tailored to fit your unique needs or...
- Shipping Error Complaint Letter Shipping Error Complaint Letter to a company who has erroneously shipped the wrong items to the customer. This letter sets out the details of the shipment and...
- Travel Booking Error Complaint Letter Travel Booking Error Complaint Letter will effectively lodge a complaint with a travel agent or agency who made an error when booking a trip. This letter can be...
- Event Attendance Thank You Letter This Event Attendance Thank You Letter can be tailored to fit your unique situation. A written thank you letter will be appreciated by the recipient.
- Hospitality Thank You Letter This Hospitality Thank You Letter will let someone know you truly appreciated their thoughtfulness and hospitality. It can be used to thank a friend, relative or a...
- Thank You Letter to the Buyer of Your Home This Thank You Letter to Buyer of Home graciously thanks an individual or family for their patience and cooperation throughout a home buying process. This letter can...
- Thank You Letter to the Seller of Your Home This Thank You Letter to the Seller of Your Home extends sincere thank you wishes to the realtor or individual who sold you a home. This letter can easily be...
- Congratulations Upon Completing Basic Training Letter This Congratulations Upon Completing Basic Training Letter sends sincere congratulations to a member of the military. This letter can easily be customized to fit your...
- Divorce - Separation Sympathy Letter This Divorce/Separation Sympathy Letter extends support to an individual who is separated or getting a divorce. This letter can easily be tailored for either personal...
- Engagement Congratulations Letter This Engagement Congratulations Letter is a short note congratulating a couple on their engagement. This note sends sincere congratulations and can be tailored for...
- Graduation Congratulations Letter This Graduation Congratulations Letter is designed to send congratulatory wishes to a recent graduate. This form can be personalized to fit the writer's individual...
- Wedding Congratulations This Wedding Congratulations letter extends sincere congratulations to a newly-married couple. This letter is designed for either personal or business correspondence.
- Balance Transfer Request This Balance Transfer Request is a written request to transfer money from one bank to another. This request sets forth the amount of money to be transferred, date of...
- Billing Error Complaint Letter This Billing Error Complaint Letter is used when you have received a bill or invoice which contains errors. This letter sets out the specifics regarding the account...
- Buy-Sell Instructions to Broker These Buy-Sell Instructions to Broker will effectively give instructions to your broker to purchase a certain number of shares when they reach a certain price. This...
- Check is in the Mail Letter Check is in the Mail Letter which confirms that a check was sent as payment on an account. This letter sets out the date the check was mailed, check number and...
- Credit Card Statement Error Letter This Credit Card Statement Error letter will effectively inform a company about an error on your billing statement. This letter sets out the date of the erroneous...
- Inquiry to Bank about Status of Loan or Credit Application This Inquiry to Bank About Status of Loan or Credit Application effectively requests the status of a loan. This letter can easily be adapted to fit your unique needs.
- Lost Credit Card Confirmation Letter This Lost Credit Card Confirmation Letter will confirm that a credit card has been lost and that it should be cancelled immediately. This letter contains all relevant...
- Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors This Notification of Bankruptcy to Creditors will inform your creditors of a bankruptcy filing. This letter can easily be adapted to fit your unique needs.
- Partial Payment to Creditor Letter This Partial Payment to Creditor Letter will inform a creditor that a partial payment will be made on an account. This letter can easily be customized to fit your...
- Proposal Approval Letter This Proposal Approval Letter is sent to an individual or company who has submitted a written proposal and gives the sender's approval of that proposal. This letter...
- Request Copy of Credit Report (after denial) This Request Copy of Credit Report after Denial Letter is used to request your credit report after you have been denied credit. This letter includes all personal...
- Request Copy of Your Credit Report This Request Copy of Your Credit Report Letter contains all the necessary information to request a copy of your current credit report. It also requests that a free...
- Request Portfolio Value from Broker This Request Portfolio Value from Broker is a formal request for a summary of your investment portfolio. This letter can be tailored to fit your unique needs and can...
- Request for Personal Credit Line This Request for Personal Credit Line is used when requesting a credit line from a company or financial institution. This request letter can easily be customized to...
- Request to add a Party to your Account This Request to Add Party to Your Account will serve as a written request that another party should be added to a bank or credit card account. This request can easily...
- Stopped Check Letter This Stopped Check Letter is formal notice to a company or individual that payment on a check was stopped. This letter sets out a brief explanation as to why the...
- Defective Product Replacement Request This Defective Product Replacement Request will effectively ask a company to replace a defective product rather than issue a refund. This letter can easily be...
- Fundraiser Invitation This Fundraiser Invitation cordially invites a guest to a fundraising event. It sets out the date, time and location of the charitable event and can be easily...
- Fundraising Request This Fundraising Request Letter invites an individual or company to partner with an organization in a fundraising effort. This letter sets out the specific goals of...
- Inquiry about Business Credit Card Letter This Inquiry About Business Credit Card will assist your company in making a decision about obtaining company cards for your employees. This letter can easily be...
- Inquiry about Leasing Office Space This Inquiry About Leasing Office Space is for use by a company seeking a specific location for an office. This letter can be easily modified to meet your unique...
- Inquiry about Quantity Discount Inquiry About Quantity Discount Letter for use when requesting a bulk discount rate from a new supplier. This attorney-prepared letter can easily be tailored to fit...
- Inquiry about Terms of Credit This Inquiry About Terms of Credit is from a company who intends to purchase large quantities of goods or services from a supplier. This letter can easily be tailored...
- Inquiry about a Vehicle Lease This Inquiry About a Vehicle Lease is from a prospective customer to a leasing company and requests that detailed information be sent about leasing versus purchasing a...
- Inquiry to Bank about Status of Loan or Credit Application This Inquiry to Bank About Status of Loan or Credit Application effectively requests the status of a loan. This letter can easily be adapted to fit your unique needs.
- Insurance Company Error Letter This Insurance Company Error Letter is for use when informing an insurance company about incorrect information within an insured's policy. This letter can easily be...
- Letter To Former Owner of Used Car This Letter to Former Owner of Used Car is used when seeking assistance about problems you are experiencing with a used vehicle. This letter can easily be tailored to...
- Office Equipment Lease Inquiry Letter This Office Equipment Lease Inquiry Letter will effectively request a company to provide information about leasing office equipment. This letter can easily be...
- Request for Repair under Warranty This Request for Repair Under Warranty is for use when repairs are necessary while a product, such as an appliance or motor vehicle, is still under warranty. This...
- Speaker Invitation Letter This Speaker Invitation Letter extends an invite to an individual to speak at an event. This invitation gives the details of the event and informs the speaker they...
- Credit Account Cancellation Letter This Credit Account Cancellation Letter is for use by a consumer to cancel a credit card. This letter sets out all the pertinent information including how the...
- Letter to Cancel an Appointment This Letter to Cancel an Appointment effectively cancels a previously scheduled appointment. It sets out the date and time of the appointment and if it should be...
- Membership Subscription Cancellation Letter This Membership Subscription Cancellation Letter will serve as written confirmation of cancellation of a subscription service. This letter can easily be customized to...
- Order Cancellation Letter This Order Cancellation Letter effectively cancels an order because of a company's inability to deliver in a timely manner. This letter can be tailored to fit your...
- Reservation Cancellation Letter This Reservation Cancellation Letter will cancel an existing reservation. This letter sets out the specifics of the reservation and requests that any deposit be...
- Notice of Address Change Letter This Notice of Address Change will let your friends or customers know that you have changed your business address. This letter can easily be tailored to fit your...
- Pet Sale Announcement Letter Pet Sale Announcement Letter will let an interested party know that you have a pet for sale that fits their needs. This letter can be tailored to meet your unique...
- Donation Declination Letter This Donation Declination Letter is for use by a company or individual when declining to make a donation to a charity or organization. This letter can be tailored to...
- Letter to Respond to a Donation Request This Letter to Respond to a Donation Request will effectively confirm your commitment to a worthy cause. This letter encloses a donation and requests that a tax...
- Damaged Property Apology Letter This Damaged Property Apology Letter is to a landlord or property owner whose property has been damaged. This letter sets out a sincere apology for the damage and an...
- Free Trial Product Return Letter This Free Trial Product Return Letter is for use by a customer who has ordered a free trial product and desires to return it. This letter can easily be customized to...
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