Internet Legal Forms
As many Internet Forms & Agreements are made between people who primarily interact online (and are therefore often in separate states), it is important to use agreements that apply to the laws of your own state. Additionally, Internet Forms & Agreements should explicitly declare which state’s laws and regulations are the standards by which the contract will be held to. Buying, selling, and licensing property online is frequently done across state borders, which makes it more important to acquire an Internet Form or Agreement that specifies its “home state.”
< As with any other contractual agreement, it is also important that the terms of compensation and consideration for both parties are laid out in these Internet Forms and Agreements in order to ensure their validity. Internet Forms and Agreements will differ from other buying and selling agreements, however, by detailing the steps in which the agreement will be carried out online.
Internet Forms FAQ
What are Internet forms and what do they do?
To many people, the Internet is more than a place to surf – it’s a place to hold property, work, and build a career. Many Internet forms protect these endeavors by allowing individuals and businesses a range of options in putting Internet arrangements into writing. These Internet forms also have a wide range of functions – a Terms of Use for Website, for example, allows a site owner to better manage their site while a Website Design Agreement allows people to hire web designers in person or even over the web.
Because so many legal issues can come about as a result of doing business on the web, it’s important to remember that there a lot of different Internet forms that can and should be utilized to suit the arrangements made between all parties.
What types of Internet forms and agreements exist?
Internet forms can be split into two categories: mostly offline arrangements that have to do with the Internet somehow (such as hiring a local web designer in person) or arrangements that exclusively deal with Internet usage (such as Terms of Use for a Website). If you or your business handle a lot of Internet-related work, then there’s a good chance you’ll often be utilizing both types of arrangements.
I want to hire someone to design my website. What kind of Internet form should I use?
The best form suited for this situation is the Website Design Agreement. This document is crafted for an agreement between two parties – the designer and the buyer. Each party’s role is clearly defined in this document, which should result in a clear and easy transaction between both parties. If you have any other amendments or additions you want to make to a document like this, look for a form that allows you some leeway and flexibility.
What kind of forms do I need to publish on my website?
When it comes to the publishing of your own website, there are a few forms that you’ll want to make available to your site’s users. These forms include:
- Terms of Use: This is good for the website in general and especially applicable if you have a forum on your site in which people can actively participate. In this case, you’ll want to lay out the specific parameters for your users’ behavior and allow yourself – as the site administrator – some power in governing their behavior.
- Privacy Policy: Because the Internet is such a hot-button issue when it comes to privacy policy, you’ll want your users to know up front what kind of privacy policy you have on your site, whether you’re running a large interactive site or a simple blog. Even simple sites running analytics will be able to find specific information about each of their users, which means you’ll want to have a privacy policy in place anyway.
Each of these forms is advisable when you’re publishing a site of any type. You may even want to add a specific form if users have to sign up or register to your site in any way, as you’ll want to be able to govern their behavior. Having a form written that each user consents to will grant you that kind of ability as the web site owner and publisher.
What kinds of forms exist for using web site domains?
When it comes to domains, there are a few forms you’ll want to be aware of:
- Domain Name Assignment: If you own a domain name and want to assign it to someone else, this is your go-to form. This form will allow you to sign over any rights and interests associated with the domain name, as well – which is why it’s important to be specific about exactly what is being assigned in these cases.
- Domain Name License Agreements: Because domain names are scarce to some degree – the simplest ones all seem to be taken – the issue of licensing may arise in which people go into business together to some degree. The Domain Name License Agreement is the form suited to handle exactly that issue.
- Domain Name Sales Agreement: When a sale has taken place, this is the form to use– at least as it relates to using domains. It will be important to have all of the facts – name of the domain, the price, etc. – all squared away before the domain name sales agreement is completely signed, but once it is it will help make the sale official. This kind of agreement is common for domain name bidders.
These are some of the most common domain name forms you’ll use, and although a few others exist, your work in buying and selling domain names will likely see you deal mostly with these agreement forms.
What is electronic publishing?
Electronic publishing – or e-Publishing – is exactly what it sounds like: the distribution of information online instead of in print form. Because publishing rights are just as valid online as they are in the offline world, it will help publishers of electronic material to be sure that they’re using the correct forms in order to publish the material they’re publishing. In many cases, forms might need to be signed that grant the authorization of the original rights holder.
Can I buy electronic publishing rights?
Yes; using a form like the License for Electronic Rights or Electronic Publishing Agreements will allow you to do so if you can agree to terms with the rights holder. These licensing rights won’t give you full publishing ownership of specific material, but they will allow you to handle publishing online and earn money for yourself. Materials such as eBooks and even traditional print books will require electronic licensing rights to be granted if they’re going to be published online. This is not an issue if you already hold these electronic rights – for example, if you have written something for online publishing yourself. But electronic publishingis an important option in the publishing world and it is worth remembering which forms best facilitate these licensing rights.