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Equipment Leases & Rentals Legal Forms

Various contracts for use when leasing out personal property or equipment for personal or business use.

Equipment Leases and Rentals are legal documents that allow one party to rent personal property (often equipment or vehicles) to another. Normally, a lease is for a longer period of time and represent a larger financial commitment. Rentals, on the other hand, often have a shorter term and generally involve a lower rental amount.

Because entering into these types of agreements is a common occurrence, it is important that lease and rental agreements include all pertinent information, a release of liability (if such is desired) and provide steps of redress in the event someting unusual occurs.

Typical equipment leases and rental forms are:
  • Equipment leases
  • Hourly & Daily Equipment Rentals
  • Notices, extensions and terminations of leases
  • Personal property rental forms


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Leases & Rentals - General FAQ

What are Leases and Rentals?

Leases and Rentals are legal documents that pertain to one party’s renting of a property of some sort from another party. In leases, the renting party is often known as the “Lessee” while the owning party is known as the “Lessor,” or in the case of commercial and residential property, “Tenant” and “Landlord.” In renting forms, the renter is simply known as the “Renter.”

Leases and Rentals are two sides of the same coin; in a lease, you’ll generally commit to a rental for a predetermined period of time. For example, in a Residential Lease Agreement, you’ll commonly be asked to make a commitment of 12 months of paying rent or more. In a Rental Agreement, the period through which you’re renting the property (such as a car) is more flexible.

What’s the difference between Leases and Rentals?

It’s important to remember that the type of property being rented out is not the sole difference. You can both rent and lease a car, for example. Generally, rentals will be taken for a shorter period of time than a lease; a lease typically represents a longer commitment of time and finances.

Because of those facts, the types of property handled by the different documents have certain tendencies. Leases tend to be used in the case of Residential or Commercial property – for example, renting out an office or an apartment for a year or more. Rental forms will be used for property that is not rented out for such a long period. For example, renting a moped to drive through a tourist attraction will not require that a lease be signed.

Additionally, each form will come with its own distinct provisions and responsibilities. When you lease, you generally assume some (but not all) risk connected with damage on the property. In short-term rentals, you’ll likely assume a greater amount of risk.

Why do I have to sign a lease? Why can’t I just rent something?

When you sign a lease, it typically represents a commitment that is like ownership, but is not in fact ownership. When you lease an apartment, for example, you assume responsibilities that you would not otherwise assume if you were simply “renting” one temporarily. You’ll be responsible for the maintenance of the property, for example. You’ll also have more freedom to use the apartment as you like, with certain limitations.

Is every rental, in fact, just a form of lease?

No, because the two types of agreements each have their own distinctions. Those distinctions are detailed in the answers above.

What kind of property can I lease?

Just about any type of property can be leased. Large property – such as commercial or residential property – can be leased. Smaller space – such as garage space – can also be leased. But you can also lease furniture, automobiles, charter boats, aircraft, etc. If there is someone out there with property that they are willing to lease to you, then you can likely find the lease you were looking for.

What kind of property can I rent?

Again, the options are virtually limitless. However, when you’re looking for long-term commitments on expensive pieces of property, you’ll likely be asked by the owner to sign a lease and not simply a rental form.

What kind of provisions should I watch out for when signing a lease?

Knowing what’s in a lease is all about knowing the property inside and out – and knowing your responsibilities while you use that property. For example, consider the fact that you’ll likely have to fill out an apartment checklist when moving into a new apartment. This checklist helps the owners know what condition the apartment started in so that they can compare it to the end of your lease and see how well you did maintaining the property. Understanding your responsibility to maintain property, as well as other limitations (for example, residential leases might not allow your pet) will be key in understanding whether or not you have a reasonable lease on your hands.

I’m renting some equipment while on vacation. Do I have to review the whole contract?

We recommend always reading everything you sign. But most businesses have standard rental forms that they’ll give you when you’re renting a piece of equipment – whether it’s an automobile or a jet-ski. It’s particularly important to review the whole contract when you’re dealing with a small business; the forms that large corporations use are far more likely to be considered “standard.”

When is a Lease or Rental form enforceable?

Both contracts will be enforceable once they’re validly signed. It’s important to pay attention to the dates listed on each form, however, to understand their enforceability better. For example, if you rented a car for one day and it was damaged the next day, it’s unlikely that your contract will be enforceable simply because the terms of that contract had already ended. Even so, each contract will continue to be enforceable in provisions that aren’t subject to the scheduling terms.

What are the requirements for a Lease or Rental form to be valid?

Both you and the company you’re renting/leasing from will have to sign the document in order for it to be valid. Generally, no witnesses will be required for these types of forms. You may have to initial certain provisions in order to prove that you approved of them. Other issues like your consent and willingness to sign along with consideration for both parties will be required to ensure that a valid contract has been signed.

When is a Lease or Rental form effective?

Rental forms are often effective from the moment they’re signed, since you will typically sign them at the outset of the rental period. A lease is also effective right away, but may be subject to date terms that outline a more specific period of time.

Because this period might not occur right after the contract signing, the effectiveness of a lease may hinge a bit on the terms it contains.

Equipment Rental Agreements

When most people think of rental agreements, they’re probably thinking about one of a couple of things. They might be thinking about apartment leases, when they have to sign on the dotted line in order to start renting from a landlord. Or they might be thinking about the rental agreement they sign when they rent a car while on vacation. These are certainly two examples of rental agreements that are common in today’s world, but there’s another type of rental agreement people seem to be less aware of: equipment rental agreements.

Why aren’t people more aware of these agreements? After all, equipment can be expensive and if you have a big job that needs to be done but limited resources, an equipment rental can really be a life-saver. Well, as it turns out, plenty of people do fill out equipment rental agreements when they rent a piece of equipment from someone else, and the form to do so can be both simple and easy to understand.

It may seem a bit like “overkill” to have a written arrangement surrounding something that isn’t as valuable as a car - after all, you don’t have to sign anything to buy a lawn mower, so why should you ever have to sign anything when you want to rent one? Well, you’d be surprised just how relevant these documents can be. While you may have the best of intentions with the lawn mower you’re renting, there are a lot of people who don’t - and a solid, well-drawn-up equipment rental agreement is to help protect the owner of the equipment not because of the good renters, but because of the bad ones.

These protections can include a range of terms contained in the rental agreement. For example, an owner might put in language that essentially says “if you break it, you bought it,” as a way of protecting themselves against any damage you might do to their equipment while you’re renting it. Any kind of policy can really be drawn up in the agreement - as long as both parties sign on the dotted line, the policy will go into effect. Unless, of course, the policy is somehow illegal, but this applies to a range of formal agreements.

On the renter’s side of things, signing a rental agreement can have a few benefits as well. For example, without a rental agreement, they might never take the car they do in making sure they return the equipment on time and in tip-top shape, and may find themselves owing more money than they thought they would owe. For another thing, the rental agreement allows them to make the rental in the first place, and since that’s what they were after all along, that’s a pretty big benefit indeed.

Equipment rental agreements are typically not as long as more formal arrangements, but they still carry legal weight and should be treated with respect. After all, if your “word is your bond,” an equipment rental agreement is as ironclad as anything else you sign.

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