Sales Representative & Distribution Agreements Legal Forms
For use when establishing exclusive and non-exclusive sales representative or distribution relationships.
You have created a product - now what? No matter how great your services or your product, without an equally strong sales and distribution channel, it will not realize its potential.
Our sales representative and distribution agreement templates have been designed to help you navigate these very important outside relationships and get your product into the consumer's hands, including the following important concepts:
Our sales representative and distribution agreement templates have been designed to help you navigate these very important outside relationships and get your product into the consumer's hands, including the following important concepts:
- Commissions / Royalties - your sales and distribution teams need to be appropriately compensated for success. On the flipside, the agreeement should also anticipate the process to deal with a sale rep or distributor who fails to live up to his/her obligations.
- Territories and Exclusive Relationships - many distributors and sales representatives will demand exclusive rights to a product or territory. Be sure to consider the implications of this before agreeing.
- Termination - the hope is always that the relationship will be a great success, but a good agreement will also provide a process if it isn't and needs to be terminated.