Free Complaint about a Car Salesman
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This Complaint About a Car Salesman will effectively lodge your unhappiness about the way you were treated when you went to a showroom to purchase a used car. This letter sets out the name of the salesman, the dealership and date you were there. It also sets out specific examples about your complaint (i.e., salesman was rude, condescending or indifferent) and requests that the matter be investigated. A well-written Complaint About a Car Salesman will ensure that your complaint is handled by the appropriate individual and that the salesman is informed about your complaint. This letter can easily be modified to meet your needs. This Complaint About a Car Salesman contains: Salesman Information: Name of the car salesman, location of the showroom and the date the customer was there; Information: Sets out specific details about the salesman's behavior and requests that the matter be investigated. Protect your rights by using our attorney-prepared forms. This attorney-prepared packet contains: General Instructions Complaint About a Car Salesman State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of all states