Dog Bill of Sale
Your State
Designed to document the sale of a dog. This form contains a detailed description of the animal, whether registered, information about illness and price paid for the dog.

Whenever you sell or buy a dog it is a good idea to document the transaction in writing. Although it may appear that both the Buyer and Seller are in agreement on all issues, without a written bill of sale misunderstandings and disputes can easily occur. A bill of sale will help the parties by: 1) forcing discussion of topics before the deal is completed (e.g. warranty coverage, lineage, etc.) and 2) if a problem does occur, the written agreement can be easily accessed for clarification or evidence. Furthermore, a bill of sale can also help the Buyer prove to third parties that he/she owns the dog.
This form can be used in all states.
This package contains (1) Instructions & Checklist for Dog Bill of Sale; (2) Information for Dog Bill of Sale; and (3) Dog Bill of Sale (the "Bill of Saleƒ)
This form can be used in all states.
This package contains (1) Instructions & Checklist for Dog Bill of Sale; (2) Information for Dog Bill of Sale; and (3) Dog Bill of Sale (the "Bill of Saleƒ)
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
Number of Pages3
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#20864
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
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