Letter to Credit Reporting Agency - Dispute Letters
for Your StateThis Letter to a Credit Agency Reporting a Dispute is used when there is incorrect information in your credit report and you want to dispute it. This often happens when names or social security numbers are similar or when a parent shares a similar name to a child. This letter will serve as a written record of the dispute.

This Letter to a Credit Agency Reporting a Dispute is used when there is incorrect information contained in your credit report. This commonly happens when there are errors in merging a social security number, where there are junior/senior relationships or where parents share a similar name with a child. This letter will dispute any inaccuracies through complete and thorough details as to why the information is incorrect. It also demands that the inaccuracies be investigated and removed from the credit report if found to be correct. A written Letter of Dispute to a Credit Agency will serve as an official record of the disputed information.
This Letter to Credit Agency Reporting a Dispute contains the following provisions:
Protect Yourself and Your Rights by using this accurate and up-to-date form. This attorney-prepared package includes:
This Letter to Credit Agency Reporting a Dispute contains the following provisions:
- Parties’ Information: Sets forth the name and address of the agency and the name, address (both current and former), date of birth and social security number;
- Disputed Information: Sets forth in detail all information which is in dispute;
- Demand for Investigation: Sets forth a written demand that the disputes be investigated, that all disputed information be deleted and that the credit report be updated.
Protect Yourself and Your Rights by using this accurate and up-to-date form. This attorney-prepared package includes:
- Information
- Letter to Credit Agency Reporting a Dispute
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
Number of Pages5
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#29246
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
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