Limited Power of Attorney (Carta Poder Limitada)
for Your State[Spanish Form with English Translation] A Limited Power of Attorney allows a natural “mentally” competent person to authorize someone else to act on his or her behalf.

[Spanish Form with English Translation] A Limited Power of Attorney allows a natural “mentally” competent person (called the “Principal” or “Grantor”) to authorize someone else (called the “Agent” or “Attorney-In-Fact”) to act on his or her behalf.
This “Do it yourself” Power of Attorney Form can be customized to fit your needs and becomes effective immediately. The form allows the author of the document to select and add optional paragraphs granting different powers to the Agent. Several pre-written paragraphs are provided in the forms package to select from. The Author/Grantor can also pick whether to make it a Durable Power of Attorney (i.e. a Power of Attorney that remains in effect even after disability or incapacity of the Grantor) or a non-durable Power of Attorney (i.e. the Power of Attorney terminates with death, incapacity or disability of the Principal).
Una Carta Poder Limitada permite que una persona “mentalmente” competente (llamado el “Mandante” o “Benefactor”) a autorizar a alguien más (llamado el “Agente” o “Apoderado”) para actuar en su nombre.
Esta forma de Carta Poder que puede “hacer usted mismo” puede personalizarse para ajustarse a sus necesidades y es válida inmediatamente. La forma permite al autor del documento seleccionar y agregar párrafos adicionales que otorgan diferentes poderes a un Agente. El paquete incluye varios párrafos preescritos de donde seleccionar. El Autor/ Benefactor también puede seleccionar entre una Carta Poder durable (por ejemplo: una Carta Poder que seguirá en efecto aún después de una incapacidad o discapacidad del Benefactor) o una Carta Poder no durable (por ejemplo si la Carta Poder no será válida después de la muerte, incapacidad o discapacidad del Mandante).
This “Do it yourself” Power of Attorney Form can be customized to fit your needs and becomes effective immediately. The form allows the author of the document to select and add optional paragraphs granting different powers to the Agent. Several pre-written paragraphs are provided in the forms package to select from. The Author/Grantor can also pick whether to make it a Durable Power of Attorney (i.e. a Power of Attorney that remains in effect even after disability or incapacity of the Grantor) or a non-durable Power of Attorney (i.e. the Power of Attorney terminates with death, incapacity or disability of the Principal).
Una Carta Poder Limitada permite que una persona “mentalmente” competente (llamado el “Mandante” o “Benefactor”) a autorizar a alguien más (llamado el “Agente” o “Apoderado”) para actuar en su nombre.
Esta forma de Carta Poder que puede “hacer usted mismo” puede personalizarse para ajustarse a sus necesidades y es válida inmediatamente. La forma permite al autor del documento seleccionar y agregar párrafos adicionales que otorgan diferentes poderes a un Agente. El paquete incluye varios párrafos preescritos de donde seleccionar. El Autor/ Benefactor también puede seleccionar entre una Carta Poder durable (por ejemplo: una Carta Poder que seguirá en efecto aún después de una incapacidad o discapacidad del Benefactor) o una Carta Poder no durable (por ejemplo si la Carta Poder no será válida después de la muerte, incapacidad o discapacidad del Mandante).
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.
Number of Pages24
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#29278
This is the content of the form and is provided for your convenience. It is not necessarily what the actual form looks like and does not include the information, instructions and other materials that come with the form you would purchase. An actual sample can also be viewed by clicking on the "Sample Form" near the top left of this page.