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- FindLegalForms.com

Attorney Form Market Information and Instructions


  1. What is the Attorney Form Market Program?
    We give attorneys the opportunity and the tools to sell legal forms from their library of forms to our customers through the FindLegalForms.com site. The revenue generated by the sale of each form provided by the attorney will be divided between FindLegalForms.com and the Attorney Provider.
  2. What types of forms is FindLegalForms.com looking for?
    Almost any type of legal form can be sold through FindLegalForms.com. However, the most popular forms are "multi-state forms" that can be used across the United States (i.e. the same basic form can be used in all 50 states). Some of the types of forms that can do well are employment forms, corporate and business forms, landlord & tenant forms, real estate related forms, bankruptcy kits, name change kits, homestead declarations, and various litigation forms. Naturally, any other type of legal forms can be sold as well. If you can provide any of the above mentioned forms or any other type of forms, you may be able to create a nice extra revenue stream for your practice with a minimal amount of initial work.

    It may be a good idea to take a look around our site to see the types of forms that are currently available and review the provided samples to get a better idea on how to format and structure the forms.

    Naturally, if you have any questions, including questions on how to use the web interface, how to add or edit forms, about what types of forms to submit, how to format, etc … please email us at forms_admin@findlegalforms.com
  3. What is the process for getting a form on FindLegalForms.com?
    Using our site and the available tools can be summarized as follows (more detailed instructions can be found below):

    1. The Attorney Provider prepares the form(s) for sale;
    2. The form(s) are electronically “uploaded” to our server;
    3. Information about each form is added by the Attorney Provider;
    4. The newly added form(s) are reviewed by FindLegalForms.com and if accepted, are made available for sale; and
    5. The Attorney Provider can check sale and revenue information in real-time from his/her personal Attorney Provider Home Page.

  4. How do I prepare a form for submission?
    The forms should be prepared off-line. The forms should be in a "layout format" similar to this sample form package. The forms you provide should be prepared in such a way so that they can be used by an average customer by filling in the required information (i.e. "fill in the blanks"). Forms can also be provided so that they can be edited with the customer’s word processing program. When uploading the forms to our site, the preferred format is Microsoft Word.

    Preparation of each form for use on FindLegalForms.com should not take long, especially if the form is one from your library of forms. A little bit of preparation before you access the web-based interface can help too. Please keep in mind that once you have done the initial work for each form you won't have to do it again. It may also be possible to train a staff member of your firm to add the forms to the FindLegalForms.com database.

    The best-selling forms usually include the following elements:

    • Checklist and Instructions - These are instructions to the user on how to fill out the forms, including signing, witness and notarization instructions, disclaimers and other useful information. Generally one page in length.
    • Information about the form(s) - A short synopsis about those type of form being sold and/or the area of law covered by the form. This should be very general information. Generally one-half page to one page in length.
    • The form itself
    • Any attachments
    • Any additional disclosures / disclaimers

    Although you can provide forms without checklists and information, the addition of such content makes the form easier and more likely to sell.
    In addition to the form package you provide, you will be also asked to provide a short (two line) and a long description (one or two paragraphs) for each form.

Instructions for the Attorney Form Market Home Page
(How to add/edit/delete your forms and much more)

To access the Attorney Form Market Home Page attorneys must login to the login box found on the left side of the page:

Upon logging into your account, you will see a center menu with various options. Many of the options are also found on the left navigation menu and can be accessed from that menu as well. You have the following options as an Attorney Provider (the options are explained in greater detail in the “Step-by-Step Instructions” below):

  1. Add new product: Allows you to add/upload your form(s) to our database. You will need to provide some information about each form before uploading it.
  2. Modify/Delete product: Allows you to edit/modify/delete the form(s) and the related information that was previously added to our database.
  3. Search products: Allows you to search/find your forms in our database.
  4. Forms Sold/Commission Calculator: Allows you to review the sales and orders of your forms, check your revenue, calculate your commission, and more.
  5. Modify (under your profile menu): Allows you to edit/modify your profile.
  6. Delete (under our profile menu): Allows you to send us a request if you want to discontinue/close your attorney provider account.

Note: After your forms are reviewed and approved by FindLegalForms.com and become “available for sale,” you will no longer be able to modify/delete them. In other words, modify product options are only available for forms that are pending to be reviewed/approved by us.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. How do I add a form?
    Prepare your forms off-line. When your form is ready and is in a "final format," log into the Attorney Form Market Home Page. Click on the “add product” menu on the left menu bar or “add product” link under the “Provider menu” in the middle. This will take you to the “add product” form. Fill out the information about the legal form you will be adding as follows:

    1. Suggested category: suggest the appropriate category (and sub-category if applicable) that your form should be categorized under (i.e. Auto Bill of Sale, Promissory Note, Promissory Note - Balloon Payment, Power of Attorney Health Care). Please be as specific as possible
    2. Product name: Provide us with the title of your form (e.g. Residential Rental Applications for Multiple States, California Promissory Note - On Demand, Alabama Power of Attorney for Sale of Motor Vehicle etc.) Please be sure to include the state that the form is to be used in (if any).
    3. Upload Forms: This is the procedure for copying the form file from your computer to our database server. Please follow the instructions below carefully.
      • Click the “Browse” button. A dialog box will pop up that will show you the directories/paths of your local computer.
      • Using the sliding menu on the side of the popup box, locate the directory where your forms are located/saved in your computer. When you have located the correct directory, a list of your documents will be appear in the middle of the popup box.
      • Select the form you want to upload by clicking on it.
      • Check the “File name” field to ensure that you have selected the correct form.
      • Click the “Open” button to insert the path from your local computer into the appropriate field. The popup box will disappear at the moment you click on the “Open” button.
      • Check that there is a “path” in the “Upload Forms” field. For example, the path may look like “C:\Sites\FindLegalForm\billofsale.doc” or “C:\powerofattorney.pdf” depending on the directory of your local computer and filename of your form.
      • It's done! You are ready to upload your form. Please fill out the remaining information of the form (e.g. Description, Detailed Description, Notes, Suggested Price, etc.).
      • If you need further assistance during this upload form process, please contact our technical support at: support@findlegalforms.com

    4. Description: Provide a brief 1 or 2 sentence description for the form you are adding. This will be shown to users.
    5. Detailed description: Provide a more detailed description for the form you are adding. Generally a short paragraph is good. This will be shown to users.
    6. Notes: Provide any additional notes about the form that you want the FindLegalForms.com administrator to see. This note will not be shown to users.
    7. Check the “Checklist included” and/or “Instruction included” checkbox if your form includes a checklist and/or Instructions. Please leave them unchecked if your form does not include them.
    8. Suggested Price: Provide the suggested price for your form. Please note that FindLegalForms.com will decide the actual price.
    9. Click the “submit’ button to complete adding your form to our database.

      The forms you add will have a “pending” status until we review and either approve them for sale or reject them. Once your form has been approved, it will become available for sale on our site.

      If you need further assistance, please contact our technical support at: support@findlegalforms.com

  2. How do I modify a form?
    You can modify/edit the forms you have previously added to our database by clicking on the “Modify product” tab on the left menu bar or “Modify product” link under the Provider menu in the middle of the Attorney Form Market Home Page.
    Once you click on the “modify product” link, you will see two boxes—the “Search products” box on the top and “Search results” on the bottom. Using the “Search product” box on the top, you can search the form you want to modify/edit by providing the “Form #”, “Product title”, “Availability” or by selecting its category from the “In category” sliding down menu. Or you can simply select the form you want to modify/edit from the form lists in the “Search results” box on the bottom.

    Once you select the form you would like to modify/edit, you may click on the “details” link to review its description or the “modify” link to open the page to modify/edit your form and/or its information. You may see the information/description you filled out previously. Go ahead and modify/edit the information and complete the modification process by clicking on the “submit’ button.

    Note: When your forms are approved by us and become available for sale, you are no longer able to modify/delete them. In other words, Modify product/Delete product options are only available for pending forms that are to be reviewed/approved by us. If you need to modify a form once it has been approved, please contact us.
  3. How do I delete a form?
    You can delete/remove the forms you have previously added to our database by clicking on the “delete product” tab on the left menu bar or “Modify/Delete product” link under Provider menu in the middle of the Attorney Form Market Home Page. Once you click on the link, you will see two boxes—the “Search products” box on the top and “Search results” on the bottom. In the 'Search product' box on the top, you can search for the form you want to delete by providing “Form #”, “Product title”, “Availability” or by selecting its category from the “In category” sliding down menu. Or you can simply select the form you want to delete from the form lists in the “Search results” box on the bottom.

    Once you select the form you would like to delete, you may click on the “details” link to review its description or the “delete” link to delete/remove the form immediately.

    Note: When your forms are approved by us and become available for sale, you will no longer be able to modify/delete them. In other words, Modify product/Delete product options are only available for pending forms that are to be reviewed/approved by us. If you need to delete a form once it has been approved, please contact us.
  4. How do I check the sales/orders of my forms?
    You can check the sales/orders of your forms by clicking on the "Forms Sold and Commission Calculator" in the middle of the Attorney Form Market Home Page. Once you click on the link, a new page will pop up. On the bottom of the page is a list of all of your active forms and the total number of those forms sold. This listing is not date specific, rather it will show you all the sales during the life of your form. However, you can track the number of orders for a specified time period by adjusting the date ranges at the top of the page. Once you choose the time period you would like to review, the "number of your forms sold" box at the top of the page will change to reflect that specific time period.

  5. How do I check my revenue and commission?
    You can check your revenue from the forms you have provided by clicking on the “Forms Sold and Commission Calculator” in the middle of the Attorney Form Market Home Page. When you click on the link you'll see a page with, among other things, boxes displaying information regarding: i) the number of your active forms, ii) the number of your forms sold, iii) your commission rate, iv) earnings during the specified date range and v) unpaid earnings owed to you (i.e. unpaid commission). These statistics are for the specified date range only. You can change the date range by using the slide down menus at the top of the page.

    If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact our technical support at: support@findlegalforms.com

  6. How do I close my account?
    If you want to close/discontinue your Attorney Form Market account, simply click on the “delete” menu under “Your profile” on the right side. It will take you to a “Delete Attorney Request” form. Please provide a specific reason why you are choosing to close/discontinue your provider account. When you complete it click on the “send” button.
    Once you have submitted the request, it will be delivered to the administrators and your account will be closed promptly.